Exciting news!

Just ahead of our 1st birthday, we’re happy to announce that the 15th Station Podcast Network is growing!

Beginning next month, two new shows will be launched – one focused on family issues and the other on providing catechesis on important topics.

Familia is the name of the new show that will address matters relating to family life. The programme is being recorded and produced
by Family Life International.

The other new show, which has been dubbed “Catechiwi”, will feature a one-on-one interview with an expert on a certain area of Catholic teaching. NZ Catholic managing editor Gavin Abraham will conduct the interviews, which he hopes will help inform, and form, listeners.

You can read the full article on the new shows here. We’re really excited about this, and we look forward to welcoming the new shows to our Network!

God bless,

The 15th Station Team