Station XV: Episode 51 — Happy news, smiling Pope, Happy Christmas

The 15th Station podcast

In this month’s episode of The 15th Station, the two-man panel of James and Gavin connects from each side of the Tasman Sea to discuss some of the big stories of the past month. The New Zealand bishops are in Rome for their ad limina visit, there’s talk of a full diocesan seminary in Auckland and we reflect on what Catholic News Service has found to be the biggest stories of 2011. There’s also time to chat about a complicated situation in New South Wales about admission protocols for a Catholic school in New South Wales, but we finish with a story that even brought a smile to the Pope’s face. On behalf of the team that makes The 15th Station possible, we wish you all a Happy and Holy Christmas and best wishes for a great 2011 — with more Station 15 podcasts as your New Year’s Resolution.