Station XV: Episode 144 — Canberra, Rome, Amazon, Wellington, Whangamomona

The 15th Station podcast

The Station 15 crew was in the courtroom for one of the biggest announcements in the Church’s legal history, as the High Court of Australia agreed that it would hear arguments why Cardinal George Pell’s child sexual abuse convictions should be overturned. It wasn’t quite that exciting for the New Zealand bishops, but they recently made their Ad Limina visit to Rome, meeting with Pope Francis and his key advisers. The bishops were there as the much-reported Synod on the Amazon unfolded, but it was hard to find the facts among the hysteria. Back in New Zealand, there’s a push from a Maori organisation to get Pope Francis to apologise for the Church’s role in colonising the country back in the 19th century. Things have been a bit quieter in Whangamomona, where a 100-year-old Catholic church has seen its last hurrah — as a place of Catholic worship, at least. A typically diverse episode awaits.