The View from Down Here: August 8, 2012

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It’s been another sad week in the US, with the massacre of several people at a Sikh temple. Brendan and Gavin offer their View from Down Here on the tragedy, as well as a host of other stories including the start of the Health and Human Service mandate on birth control — click here for George Weigel’s article mentioned in the show — and Clint Eastwood endorsing Mitt Romney. The new San Francisco archbishop and an increasingly nasty war of words between Republicans and Democrats also feature.


The View from Down Here: August 1, 2012

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Since when did buying a chicken sandwich become a cultural issue? When supporters of same-sex marriage decided it was time to boycott Chick Fil-A stores because the president of the company said he supports traditional marriage between one man and one woman. Brendan and Gavin talk about the controversy, and similar controversy erupting in New Zealand. Meanwhile, back in the US, Mitt Romney had a gaffe-filled international tour, questions about President Obama’s religion and a pro-life activist getting a visit from the FBI.


The View from Down Here: July 25, 2012

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In the much-anticipated return of The View from Down Here, Brendan and Gavin discuss the tragic shooting in Aurora, Colorado, that has rightly dominated news for the past several days. In more mundane matters, the guys talk about President Obama’s “gaffe” when talking about businesses and the now infamous phrase “You didn’t build that”. Click here to read the Canada Free Press column they talked about. The possibility of women fighting on the military’s front lines and the Hoover Foundation’s interview with President George W. Bush round out the show.


Station XV: Episode 58 — Repeal, repeal, repeal

The 15th Station podcast

In Sesame Street style, this month’s episode of The 15th Station is brought to you by the word “repeal”, as we discuss the near repeal of President Obama’s health care legislation, the attempted repeal of the affiliation of a university pro-life club and the possible future repeal of refugees’ rights in New Zealand. Rest assured, though, there have been no attempts to repeal the 15th Station — enjoy the show.


Station XV: Episode 57 — Of budgets and butlers

The 15th Station podcast

The big international stories of the month fell on either sides of Atlantic, with Catholic organisations in the US sue the Obama administration over aspects of its health care reforms while, across in Rome, the Vatican was dealing with a series of documents allegedly leaked by the papal butler. In the Antipodes, Budgets and the ongoing debate about same-sex marriage grabbed headlines. But fear not, we’ve also got our trademark light story for the month.


Station XV: Episode 56 — Contraception, contradiction, conjugal relations and confusion

The 15th Station podcast

What is the New Zealand Government thinking in offering free long-term contraception to women on welfare? What is President Obama thinking in announcing he supports gay marriage in the middle of an election campaign? When will the euthanasia lobby stop pushing its barrow? And can something that has been blessed be un-blessed? Those stories and more on a full show this month on The 15th Station.


Station XV: Episode 55 — Faith revivals in New Zealand and Cuba?

The 15th Station podcast

A new study suggests many young New Zealanders might be becoming more religious while other peers are turning away from faith. Which will win out? The panel discusses that research and analyses the possible impact of Pope Benedict’s trip to Cuba, as well as the semiannual controversial billboard from a prominent Anglican parish in Auckland. We’d love to hear from our listeners, so feel free to post comments with your feedback.


Station XV: Episode 54 — Bishops, Billboards and Baptists

The 15th Station podcast

It’s another intriguing episode of Station 15, as we explore the role of bishops in industrial disputes, Jesus’ ability to heal diseases and the Pope’s upcoming trip to Cuba, not to mention one of the most frivolous court cases you might ever hear about. Just another month in the life of The 15th Station.


Station XV: Episode 53 — New legislation, new brothel (?) new partnership

The 15th Station podcast

The panel this month analyses the contentious provisions in President Obama’s health care legislation requiring Catholic hospitals and institutions to provide health insurance covering contraception and sterilisation procedures*, efforts by Auckland businessmen to open a 15-storey brothel in the central city and the Pope’s concerning admission that Christianity risks oblivion. But, in the good news of the month, Station 15/Icon Media has become an affiliate of the international Catholic podcasting network, SQPN. We’re really excited to be part of the SQPN stable, an extension of the great relationship we’ve had with Father Roderick Vonhogen over the past three years or so.

* This episode was recorded before President Obama’s announcement of changes to the health care legislation in response to the bishops Church’s concerns


Station 15: Episode 52 — Pope speaks to NZ bishops…and the world

The 15th Station podcast

In the first episode of 2012, the panel chats about Pope Benedict’s speech to bishops from New Zealand and the Pacific, his speech to the dozens of ambassadors to the Vatican and the surging Catholic candidate for the Republican presidential candidate. We also talk about the “head-hunting” of an Australian priest to be the new rector of the New Zealand diocesan seminary. For some additional reading, here’s a link to a piece on former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum. And for some additional listening, here’s an ABC Radio interview with Msgr Peter Jeffrey.

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