Station XV – Episode 32 – we’re all about the Pope

The 15th Station podcast

In this month’s show, we reflect on the first 5 years of Pope Benedict XVI’s pontificate, discuss the upcoming budget from a Catholic perspective, look at the Pope’s travels to Malta and the U.K., examine the timing around the new translation of the Missal, and think about sending the Pope a text message! Follow us on facebook.com/station15 or twitter.com/station15.


Station XV – Episode 31 – Abuse, apologies and another round

The 15th Station podcast

It’s not a pleasant topic to cover, but we’d be remiss in leaving it out this month.  So we deal in detail with the growing abuse scandal in Europe and the attacks on the Pope, the Waihopai Three spybase destroyers and their “not guilty” verdict, the terrible case of a woman starving herself to death, and the pubs in Ireland opening on Good Friday…for a football match! Follow us at facebook.com/station15 or twitter.com/station15


Station XV – Episode 30 – Around the world

The 15th Station podcast

A great show that takes us all over the world this month!  We talk about the debate around adopting the upcoming changes to the Mass missal, the NZ Medical Council losing the plot and forcing Catholic doctors to refer for abortions, how Christian are the Christian Democrats in Germany, atheists failing to get on the bus with their ad campaign copied from the UK, and a French project for dialling in for Confession.  Turns out, that’s not allowed. Check it out, and follow us on facebook.com/station15 or twitter.com/station15.


Station XV – Episode 29 – Prepare for the Lightning Round!

The 15th Station podcast

After a month off, we’ve got so much news to cover that we’ve added “The Lightning Round” to the end of the podcast to cram more news into the show! In this month’s show, what has the world come to when a student sells her virginity for $45,000, the Pope talks to the UK bishops about discrimination in the (Church) workplace, Caritas is still uneasy about the “three strikes” rule, hope and tragedy all mixed together in the Haiti earthquake, Harry Knox: Obama adviser and anti-fan of the Church, another step closer to Australia’s first Saint, and the Seminarians of New Zealand on a tiki-tour of our Cathedrals.  What a show!  Follow us on Twitter (twitter.com/station15) or Facebook (facebook.com/station15).


Station XV – Episode 28 – roasting by the Christmas fire

The 15th Station podcast

For our final show of the decade, the three (not so wise) men talk about the bishops opposing the FPA’s application for an abortion license, the Pope’s take on climate change, have a heated exchange about adding “Catholic” to the names of our schools, the latest Irish abuse report, and eye damage to well meaning but misguided Catholic pilgrims? All this and some more great music from the Priests – Happy Christmas everyone!


Station XV – Episode 27 – Cathanglicans and Destiny

The 15th Station podcast

In this episode we talk about Anglicans coming home, Destiny and Tamaki’s “spiritual sons”, a record intake at our seminary here in New Zealand, and whether selling the Vatican would solve world hunger…or would just be a stupid idea! Plus we preview the new album by The Priests. You can catch the video stream up at www.ustream.tv/the15thstation, and you can find us on Twitter at twitter.com/station15, and on Facebook at facebook.com/station15.


Station XV, Episode 26 — Saints, Samoa and Southland

The 15th Station podcast

The 15th Station welcomes a couple of new panelists on this month’s show as we discuss the Church’s newest saints, the deadly tsunami in the Pacific and officials telling Catholics not to get pregnant. Those stories, and much more, on this month’s episode, including the latest “apparition” of Our Lady. Is this the Virgin Mary — http://www.virginmarysamoa.com/VM3.jpg? Or is it a Coke bottle? You decide…


Station XV – Episode 25 – Tonight, on a very special Station 15…

The 15th Station podcast

What a show! Tonight we have Father Roderick from SQPN.com, down here on his New Zealand adventure!  He joins a very full Rendition Studios as we talk about his travels here and in Australia, the lifting of the swine flu restrictions, the rolling back (or not) of Vatican II, death threats and the former Archbishop of Zimbabwe, and the banning of trousers as a way to remind people of the importance of Sundays?!? Check us out on Facebook or on Twitter (twitter.com/station15)


Station XV – Episode 24 – Two years old today!

The 15th Station podcast

Happy birthday to us! With today being the Feast of the Assumption, it’s been two years since our first episode. This month we talk about a new approach to justice, the referendum on smacking, more anti-Christian violence with more mainstream media silence, clapping at Mass, and Fr Roderick from SQPN.com’s Daily Breakfast podcast is coming to New Zealand!!!


Station XV – Episode 23 – Charity, Truth and all that jazz

The 15th Station podcast

In this month’s episode we talk about the Pope’s new encyclical (Caritas in Veritate), the years of Paul and the priest, whether priestly celibacy is still relevant or not, more Swine Flu restrictions, and the fastest altar boy in the West? Follow us at twitter.com/station15, subscribe in iTunes, or become a fan by searching for “The 15th Station” in Facebook.

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