Station XV – Episode 22 – The rollercoaster show

The 15th Station podcast

In this month’s episode we talk about some serious and not so serious stuff: the New Zealand bishops altering their decision on when to kneel at Mass, the report on the terrible historic abuse in Ireland, the Budget and the Church’s response to it, the killing of Dr Tiller, and some great names for Bishops. Don’t forget, you can follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/station15. You can also find us on Facebook, but not yet at www.facebook.com/station15 (as we promised on the show) until Facebook allows us to reserve the name on June 28.


Station XV – Episode 21 – Holy Father’s Holy Land holiday?

The 15th Station podcast

In this month’s episode, we cover the Holy Father’s trip to the Holy Land, the Swine Flu restrictions on reception of Communion, the anti-Catholic media bias, offering women who seek abortions the opportunity to view the ultrasound, and Our Lady appearing in a…coffee stain? (http://tinyurl.com/qdu9p9)


Station XV – Episode 20 – Fair-weather Catholics

The 15th Station podcast

In our Easter podcast for 2009, we talk about the Mercy Centre in Wellington hosting a relationship seminar for gay and lesbian couples, fair-weather Catholics, Obama and Notre Dame, Amnesty International and a Kiwi trying to change their stance on abortion, the Pope and his reaffirmation of the Church’s teaching on condoms and AIDS, and a 90-year old priest who gives money to the poor!


Station XV – Episode 19 – More popular than Obama?

The 15th Station podcast

In this episode, we discuss one New Zealand bishop’s response to the proposed ‘three strikes’ law, we talk about the terrible situation surrounding some excommunications in Brazil, we look at Pelosi and the Pope, we take a look at the events in South Brisbane and is President Obama more popular than Jesus Christ?!?


Station XV – Episode 18 – Better late than never

The 15th Station podcast

We kick off our first episode for 2009 a little later than last year, but in a fashion that’s worth the wait.  In this episode, we take a look at the artistic actions of Fr Gerard Burns, the lifting of the excommunication of some of the Society of Saint Pius X’s bishops and the fact that one of them doesn’t believe the Holocaust happened, we talk about some missing abortion stats (you won’t believe that one!), Obama and the Mexico City policy, and a nurse that got in trouble for offering to pray for a patient!


Station XV – Episode 17 – Skneeling at Christmas

The 15th Station podcast

In our Christmas episode this year, we talk about kneeling at Mass continuing in New Zealand, a Bishop that is prepared to die for an end to abortion, the Tui beer billboards about Christmas, the Vatican going green and the Beatles being “forgiven”.
From all of the 15th Station team, have a safe, happy and holy Christmas!


Station XV – Episode 16 – Priests and politics

The 15th Station podcast

We promise – this is the last one where we’ll be talking about this election. But with both the N.Z. and U.S. elections complete, we’ll talk about Obama and Key, but also about the plight of Christian parties and MMP, the persecution of Christians around the world, the flurry of ordinations in New Zealand in the next couple of months, and we end with a great rendition of “Panis Angelicus” from the new album by The Priests (www.thepriests.com).


Station XV – Episode 15 – Well, what did you expect?

The 15th Station podcast

It would be very difficult to have an episode a few weeks out from a general election here in NZ (and one in the States too) and not talk about politics, now wouldn’t it? So, in this episode, we talk about the NZ election, the American election, welfare and the election, the synod of Bishops and the Bible, and an IronicCatholic story about complaining parishoners becoming diocesan hermits?!? Something for everyone.
– Bishop’s statement (http://www.catholic.org.nz/statements/0808_elections.php)
– Value Your Vote (http://www.valueyourvote.org.nz/)


Station XV – Episode 14 – Politics at the dinner table

The 15th Station podcast

It’s kind of hard to ignore it with an election both here in NZ and over in the USA. This month we talk about an open letter from the NZCCSS to all political candidates on poverty issues, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi getting things very wrong with regards to the Catholic teaching on abortion, an Auckland-based homosexual publication slamming the Catholic bishops’ pre-election statement as bigoted and ignorant, the tragedy in Orissa, and the cancelled beauty pageant for nuns!


Happy birthday to us!

The 15th Station podcast

Awww….look at our little podcast. One year old already! To celebrate, we have a chat to George about what is was like to be at WYD in Sydney. We also talk about the Bishops on the election, the Lambeth conference and Anglican/Catholic unity, and New Zealand’s apparent journey to a hot unpleasant place in a hand-carried shopping container with the “Boobs on Bikes” parade. We also talk a little about our new upcoming podcasts! What a show!

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