Eggs Benedict @ WYD?

The 15th Station podcast

(Safe travels to all those going to World Youth Day!)
This month, we talk about Clare Dooley from Christchurch having lunch with the Pope, Ken Orr being attacked on YouTube for protecting the lives of the unborn, the Australian bishops apologising and calling lapsed Catholics home, the Society of St Pius X and we answer that question that everyone has always wanted answered…does the Pope wear Prada?
The video we mentioned is at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9JTow-oumY


What to wear

The 15th Station podcast

In this month’s episode we talk about World Youth Day prep (only one month away), the Vatican’s Instruction on obedience, the pros and cons of clerical dress, and Fr.Michael Pfleger’s outburst against Hillary Clinton.
Links talked about in the show:
– 4,000 Kiwis going to WYD (http://wyd.org.nz/?sid=236)
– Vatican gives guidance on obedience for religious (http://www.zenit.org/article-22716?l=english)
– Being Frank discussion on clerical dress (http://www.beingfrank.co.nz/?p=717)
– Fr.Michael Pfleger and Hillary (http://www.catholic.org/politics/story.php?id=28097)


It’s a bit sickle-ing

The 15th Station podcast

You’d think there’s only one story to talk about this month – Fr.Peter Murnane and friends bursting the balloon over the Waihopai spy base. But while we do give some airtime to that, we also talk about the Pope’s visit to the U.S.A., priests from other cultures, American politicians and receiving Communion, and a fantastic, uplifting, pro-life story.


The Baptism seen around the world

The 15th Station podcast

We talk about the very public baptism of Magdi Allam by the Pope, the possible launch of a pro-life political party in New Zealand, the sad story of Archbishop Ncube, Easter trading and the Pope’s new ride from New York City!


Sing a new song

The 15th Station podcast

In this episode we’re looking at a number of stories that are in the media – a priest being stalked, weird baptismal formulae, Cardinal Pell’s visit to New Zealand and the “new” seven sins. Plus we have a fantastic song from James Wong as part of his submission for World Youth Day.


The boys are back in town

The 15th Station podcast

In this episode it’s just the boys talking about the permanent diaconate coming to the Auckland Diocese, a Cardinal saying divorced and remarried people are welcome at Mass, the story of Fr Vincent who was married and is now a priest, Cardinal Pell and the carbon tax on babies in Australia and ending off with the strange gifts the Pope has received. Quite a full episode actually!


New year, new popemobile

The 15th Station podcast

Happy 2008! With the new year well and truly kicked off, we talk about the Pope’s “state of the world” address, the tragic but heroic passing of seminary Jeremy Gray, Tony Blair’s conversion, 160 years of the Catholic Church in New Zealand and we check out the Pope’s new ride.


Christmas hope

The 15th Station podcast

Our first Christmas podcast and there’s quite a bit to talk about. The Pope’s new encyclical on hope has been released, and it makes for popular reading. We talk about the 4,210 NZ pilgrims are heading over to see him next year at World Youth Day, and whether or not movies like the Golden Compass can be bad for the faith of those who watch them. And we talk a bit about Christmas traditions and interpretations of the season. We wish all our listeners a happy and Holy Christmas.


Counting is hard

The 15th Station podcast

This month we talk about another TV show denigrating our Faith, a pebble that looks like Our Lady, a group that thinks the Iraq war is punishment for the U.S. stance on homosexuality and the NZ bishop’s strategic vision for the next five years.  Oh, and we show that it’s harder than you think to name Ten Commandments.


Censorship, Politics and the Pope’s Cat

The 15th Station podcast

It’s an interesting discussion this week, as we talk about the BSA redefining common decency, the inability for Christian political parties to succeed in New Zealand, and the life of the Pope – told through the eyes of a cat!

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