
Through our partnership with Family Life International, Familia is our pro-life issues podcast. Covering everything you need to know about the Catholic position on life, death, sexuality, abortion, contraception, and euthanasia, Familia is a vital resource for every pro-lifer. The podcast is currently on hiatus while the team in Christchurch settle down after the earthquakes that have rattled the region, but you can still access the archives of great content.

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Familia – Episode 10

The Familia Podcast

In this month’s edition of the Familia Podcast we explore the questions; how do we best engage with friends and family who have had abortions and how long should a couple be engaged for before getting married? We also discuss Obama’s speech at Notre Dame University, as well as the recent controversy that has erupted over Christopher West and Theology of the Body.


Familia – Episode 9

The Familia Podcast

This month’s edition of the Familia Podcast features a special interview with Danielle and Becky, our two pro-life interns who have spent the last six weeks participating in our intensive pro-life and leadership formation program. They talk about their experience on the internship as well as their feelings about how the pro-life issues they have been learning about impact upon the wider culture.


Familia – Episode 8

The Familia Podcast

In this month’s edition of the Familia Podcast we explore the following questions:
1. What are the ‘original experiences of man’?
2. Why did God create people with homosexual desires?
3. How can you counsel people who are pregnant and worried to keep their babies without moralizing?
4. How do you deal with friends who are sleeping together – how do we love them without condoning their actions?
5. When we give our lives to Christ do we really have to cease to exist as an individual?


Familia – Episode 7

The Familia Podcast

This month’s edition of the Familia Podcast explores the following questions:
– How does a committed Catholic balance the Catholic teaching about contraception with practical realities like saving for a house, etc?
– Is it okay for a couple to say that they just want 3 kids and no more?
– What benefit do married couples get from seeing vocations to religious life and vice versa, and how do you explain why vocations are not necessary in heaven?
– What advice can you give a couple who are considering contraception just for their honeymoon?
– If you are engaged and you wish to be faithful to the Catholic teaching on birth regulation– when should charting of NFP be started?
– Why are there so many Catholics who use contraception?