
Through our partnership with Family Life International, Familia is our pro-life issues podcast. Covering everything you need to know about the Catholic position on life, death, sexuality, abortion, contraception, and euthanasia, Familia is a vital resource for every pro-lifer. The podcast is currently on hiatus while the team in Christchurch settle down after the earthquakes that have rattled the region, but you can still access the archives of great content.

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Familia – Episode 2 – Election Special

The Familia Podcast

With just over 5 weeks to go until the NZ General Election and the US Presidential Election, we thought that it would be a good idea to have a special election edition of the Familia Podcast. In this edition we speak to Father Peter Fitzsimons about politics, morality and voting, and we offer some practical tips to consider when thinking about casting your vote.


Familia – Episode 1

The Familia Podcast

This is the first edition of Familia – our new monthly pro-life podcast from Family Life International. In this episode, Brendan and the team explore the following issues:

– The 40th anniversary of the encyclical Humanae Vitae

– Is it still important for people who don’t have a religious faith to get married?

– What does a girl need to do to attract the right type of guy, and what should you do if you think you are dating Mr. or Mrs. wrong?

– A question about a man who got sterilized without telling his wife

– What can we do about our children who don’t practice the faith?