The 15th Station is our monthly news podcast. We get a panel of Kiwi Catholics together to provide a Catholic perspective on the news and current events of the month.

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Station XV: Episode 157 — Commission, Coronavirus, Cardinal, Christmas Card

The 15th Station podcast

In a year when COVID-19 has dominated people’s lives, it’s fitting that it features in the final episode of 2020. Pope Francis has warned that the pandemic shouldn’t be exploited for political point-scoring, but the panel concludes that the horse might have bolted on that front. The New Zealand Royal Commission into Abuse in Care has held its first hearings into faith-based organisations, and it hasn’t been easy listening (or reading). Anna, Don, James and Gavin also discuss the elevation of the first African-American to the College of Cardinals and his take on the new US President, before they mull over Pope Francis’ planned trip to Iraq next year. If that slate of topics hasn’t scandalised you enough, this Christmas card might 🙂 Wishing all our listeners a blessed and safe Christmas.


Station XV: Episode 156 — Referendum, Result, Report and Recipes

The 15th Station podcast

The election of just the second Catholic president in US history hasn’t been universally welcomed even within Catholic circles, while in New Zealand, the euthanasia referendum has certainly disturbed many Catholics. Two diverse but also highly disturbing events — the terrorist attack in Nice and the report on former cardinal Theodore McCarrick’s inexplicable rise up the Church’s ranks — also feature in this month’s episode. In the countdown to Christmas, there’s at least a little to cheer about in the form of a new Vatican cookbook. Stay safe and God bless.


Station XV: Episode 155 — Papal Ponderings, Politics, Prayer, Pell and Pews

The 15th Station podcast

Pope Francis’ new encyclical on fraternity and solidarity leads this month’s episode of The 15th Station, with the document seen as particularly important in a time of pandemic. In New Zealand, the upcoming general election — in terms of the bishops’ statement and the Opposition Leader’s faith — is on the agenda, as is the unfolding drama around Cardinal George Pell and a recently-resigned cardinal. A little bit of light entertainment is needed after all that, and a church in the southern US provides just the remedy. Stay safe, and we hope you enjoy the conversation.


Station XV: Episode 154 — Euthanasia, Election, Eucharist, Encyclical, Escape

The 15th Station podcast

With the New Zealand election coming up in a few weeks, the referendum on euthanasia leads this month’s episode of The 15th Station. In a related story, priests in New Zealand have been warned that they shouldn’t endorse specific political parties, while being free to speak out on important issues. Cardinal Sarah has encouraged bishops around the world to resume public Masses as soon as it’s safe to do so, while Pope Francis is preparing for the publication of a new encyclical. And if there’s anyone in need of rescue, maybe some priests or seminarians can help out. Enjoy the episode — and stay safe.