The View from Down Here: August 1, 2012

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Since when did buying a chicken sandwich become a cultural issue? When supporters of same-sex marriage decided it was time to boycott Chick Fil-A stores because the president of the company said he supports traditional marriage between one man and one woman. Brendan and Gavin talk about the controversy, and similar controversy erupting in New Zealand. Meanwhile, back in the US, Mitt Romney had a gaffe-filled international tour, questions about President Obama’s religion and a pro-life activist getting a visit from the FBI.


The View from Down Here: June 6, 2012

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After a one-week hiatus, Brendan and Gavin catch up on some of the big stories in US politics, culture and religion. They include the changing face of the presidential election, as criticisms mount of President Barack Obama, even from “friendly” quarters, a marked shift in the proportion of pro-choice and pro-life Americans, and the law suit filed by 43 Catholic organisations, including the archdioceses of New York and Washington, DC. We’d love to hear from you, so please leave a comment.


The View from Down Here: May 22, 2012

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With there now being a two-horse race for the presidential campaign, President Barack Obama and challenger Mitt Romney have started what will be a lengthy battle of advertisements making the case for their nomination — or against their opponent. Brendan and Gavin discuss the contrasting tones of the ad, and the continuing trend of President Obama’s campaign to insert its collective foot in its mouth, as it did with this ad. Or you canĀ click here to see the Romney ad, “Day One”. The guys also talk about threats against a Catholic parish in Massachusetts over same-sex marriage and the controversy that keeps on going — the contraceptive mandate as part of the president’s health care package. No shortage of meaty stories in this week’s issue.


Station XV: Episode 56 — Contraception, contradiction, conjugal relations and confusion

The 15th Station podcast

What is the New Zealand Government thinking in offering free long-term contraception to women on welfare? What is President Obama thinking in announcing he supports gay marriage in the middle of an election campaign? When will the euthanasia lobby stop pushing its barrow? And can something that has been blessed be un-blessed? Those stories and more on a full show this month on The 15th Station.


The View from Down Here: May 15, 2012

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One story — and one story only — seems to have dominated the US political and cultural scene over the past week, and that’s President Barack Obama’s announcement that his position on same-sex marriage has now evolved and he supports it. He said it was his Christian faith and adherence to the Golden Rule that guided his decision to move from a stated opposition to gay marriage to supporting it. Brendan, Tim and Gavin dedicate most of this week’s show to the topic. Here’s a link to the article Brendan mentions in the show: “What is Marriage?”


The View from Down Here: May 8, 2012

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With Newt Gingrich dropping out of the Republican presidential race, it’s essentially become a head-to-head battle between President Barack Obama and presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney with six months to go until the general election. And it continues to be a rough period for President Obama, with a new campaign ad being widely criticised, ex-girlfriends revealing some of the secrets of their relationships with the future president and letters from Osama bin Laden being released. Brendan, Tim and Gavin chat about those stories, plus the other talking points of the past couple of weeks.


The View from Down Here: April 17, 2012

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This week’s episode is brought to you by the word “drop”, as in Rick Santorum drops out of the Republican primary race, a Democratic strategist drops the ball in her party’s alleged affinity with women, and President Obama’s staff drop a large group of secret service agents for their indiscretions while supposedly protecting the president in Colombia. Oh, and a group of progressive Catholics try to drop the hammer on Republican up-and-comer Paul Ryan’s budget proposal. Brendan, Tim and Gavin discuss those stories and more in The View from Down Here.


The View from Down Here: March 27, 2012

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With Tim “on assignment”, Brendan and Gavin chat about some of the big stories of the week, including trouble brewing for President Obama’s health care reforms, the latest primary results and what they mean, and two controversies — a priest denying Communion to a lesbian and a university in New York that will hold classes on Good Friday and Yom Kippur. That, and much more. And, after the show, head to www.badlipreading.com for a political giggle.


The View from Down Here: March 6, 2012

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On the eve of Super Tuesday, the three self-proclaimed experts on American politics and culture break down the current state of play in the Republican primary contest as Mitt Romney looks to continue the momentum he gained in a series of victories from Michigan to Arizona to Washington last week. Will he be able to do so? Or will Rick Santorum bounce back? What about Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul? The panel also discusses the way Catholics have voted in the primaries thus far, Rick Santorum’s criticism of JFK, a group declaring war on the US Government and a new movie assessing if America is broken and, if so, how to fix it. Just another week in The View from Down Here.


The View from Down Here: February 28, 2012

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In the second episode of The View from Down Here, Brendan, Tim and Gavin revisit the Republican primary contest and, in particular, look at Ron Paul, the congressman from Texas. Is he being ignored by the media? Does he have a chance to win the nomination? Can — and should — Catholic voters support him? We look at a pundit’s view of that, and also deconstruct an opponent of Rick Santorum who tries to portray the former Pennsylvania senator as not a very good Catholic. Finally, we look at the way atheists are fighting for their rights to not be offended by such outrageous words as “Amen” and “prayer”.