Station XV: Episode 51 — Happy news, smiling Pope, Happy Christmas

The 15th Station podcast

In this month’s episode of The 15th Station, the two-man panel of James and Gavin connects from each side of the Tasman Sea to discuss some of the big stories of the past month. The New Zealand bishops are in Rome for their ad limina visit, there’s talk of a full diocesan seminary in Auckland and we reflect on what Catholic News Service has found to be the biggest stories of 2011. There’s also time to chat about a complicated situation in New South Wales about admission protocols for a Catholic school in New South Wales, but we finish with a story that even brought a smile to the Pope’s face. On behalf of the team that makes The 15th Station possible, we wish you all a Happy and Holy Christmas and best wishes for a great 2011 — with more Station 15 podcasts as your New Year’s Resolution.


Station XV – Episode 41 – Popes, Presidents and PMs

The 15th Station podcast

This month we discuss the upcoming beatification of Pope John Paul II, the “early days” of Pope Benedict XVI’s pontificate, the Prime Minister at a Christian Music Festival, Jesus vs. Barack Obama and the iPhone app for Confession.  Follow us at facebook.com/station15 or twitter.com/station15.


Familia – Episode 11

The Familia Podcast

This month’s edition of the Familia Podcast explores the following questions: with the recent referendum on the ‘anti-smacking’ bill does the Church have any new information to consider before we vote on it; Obama has recently put through some very controversial legislation on abortion in the states, what has been the Churches reaction; is there a set standard that a couple should be looking for in their marriage preparation; why don’t we hear more about avoiding pre-marital sex from our priests?


Familia – Episode 10

The Familia Podcast

In this month’s edition of the Familia Podcast we explore the questions; how do we best engage with friends and family who have had abortions and how long should a couple be engaged for before getting married? We also discuss Obama’s speech at Notre Dame University, as well as the recent controversy that has erupted over Christopher West and Theology of the Body.


Station XV – Episode 20 – Fair-weather Catholics

The 15th Station podcast

In our Easter podcast for 2009, we talk about the Mercy Centre in Wellington hosting a relationship seminar for gay and lesbian couples, fair-weather Catholics, Obama and Notre Dame, Amnesty International and a Kiwi trying to change their stance on abortion, the Pope and his reaffirmation of the Church’s teaching on condoms and AIDS, and a 90-year old priest who gives money to the poor!


Station XV – Episode 19 – More popular than Obama?

The 15th Station podcast

In this episode, we discuss one New Zealand bishop’s response to the proposed ‘three strikes’ law, we talk about the terrible situation surrounding some excommunications in Brazil, we look at Pelosi and the Pope, we take a look at the events in South Brisbane and is President Obama more popular than Jesus Christ?!?


Station XV – Episode 18 – Better late than never

The 15th Station podcast

We kick off our first episode for 2009 a little later than last year, but in a fashion that’s worth the wait.  In this episode, we take a look at the artistic actions of Fr Gerard Burns, the lifting of the excommunication of some of the Society of Saint Pius X’s bishops and the fact that one of them doesn’t believe the Holocaust happened, we talk about some missing abortion stats (you won’t believe that one!), Obama and the Mexico City policy, and a nurse that got in trouble for offering to pray for a patient!


Station XV – Episode 16 – Priests and politics

The 15th Station podcast

We promise – this is the last one where we’ll be talking about this election. But with both the N.Z. and U.S. elections complete, we’ll talk about Obama and Key, but also about the plight of Christian parties and MMP, the persecution of Christians around the world, the flurry of ordinations in New Zealand in the next couple of months, and we end with a great rendition of “Panis Angelicus” from the new album by The Priests (www.thepriests.com).