Station XV: Episode 60 — A cathedral, a proposal and a Martini

The 15th Station podcast

Same-sex marriage continues to dominate Catholic discussion in New Zealand and leads this month’s episode of The 15th Station. With our studio out of action, James and Gavin talk across the oceans about that story, including a sporting analogy that was devised to demonstrate how redefining words is a dangerous precedent. The guys also talk about the tributes for Cardinal Carlo Martini, the possibility of a joint Anglican-Catholic cathedral in Christchurch and the place of Catholicism in the upcoming US election. They end with the story that went around the world — the fresco fiasco. Thanks for listening and we’d love to get your feedback.


The View from Down Here: August 28, 2012

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With about 10 weeks till the presidential election, The View from Down Here returns with a typically busy show, with discussion of a poll formula that’s predicted the past eight elections, the choice of Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney’s VP candidate, a couple of convention controversies, a couple of foot-in-mouth situations and efforts to hold the campaigns accountable for spreading falsehoods. Included in the discussions is this exchange between CNN’s Anderson Cooper and DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Enjoy the show.


Station XV: Episode 56 — Contraception, contradiction, conjugal relations and confusion

The 15th Station podcast

What is the New Zealand Government thinking in offering free long-term contraception to women on welfare? What is President Obama thinking in announcing he supports gay marriage in the middle of an election campaign? When will the euthanasia lobby stop pushing its barrow? And can something that has been blessed be un-blessed? Those stories and more on a full show this month on The 15th Station.


The View from Down Here: May 15, 2012

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One story — and one story only — seems to have dominated the US political and cultural scene over the past week, and that’s President Barack Obama’s announcement that his position on same-sex marriage has now evolved and he supports it. He said it was his Christian faith and adherence to the Golden Rule that guided his decision to move from a stated opposition to gay marriage to supporting it. Brendan, Tim and Gavin dedicate most of this week’s show to the topic. Here’s a link to the article Brendan mentions in the show: “What is Marriage?”


The View from Down Here: May 8, 2012

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With Newt Gingrich dropping out of the Republican presidential race, it’s essentially become a head-to-head battle between President Barack Obama and presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney with six months to go until the general election. And it continues to be a rough period for President Obama, with a new campaign ad being widely criticised, ex-girlfriends revealing some of the secrets of their relationships with the future president and letters from Osama bin Laden being released. Brendan, Tim and Gavin chat about those stories, plus the other talking points of the past couple of weeks.


The View from Down Here: March 20, 2012

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The View from Down Here returns with a full slate of topics to cover, including a quick update on the state of the Republican primary season, the US soldier accused of killing 16 Afghanis and some analysis of President Obama’s performance, including his new campaign video outlining his achievements thus far, his role in rising gas prices and the constantly moving HHS mandate on contraception. An action-packed discussion, that’s for sure.