Homily for Palm Sunday

Sermons from the Microphone

“More Than Fanboy Faith”: Fr Anthony Trenwith, Administrator of Holy Family Parish in Kerikeri and Te Parihi o te Ngakau Tapu at Waitaruke, shares his homily for Palm Sunday.


Homily for Fifth Sunday of Lent

Sermons from the Microphone

“Guilty As Sin”: Fr Anthony Trenwith, Administrator of Holy Family Parish in Kerikeri and Te Parihi o te Ngakau Tapu at Waitaruke, shares his homily for the Fifth Sunday of Lent.


Homily for Fourth Sunday of Lent

Sermons from the Microphone

“It Really Is Just That Simple”: Fr Anthony Trenwith, Administrator of Holy Family Parish in Kerikeri and Te Parihi o te Ngakau Tapu at Waitaruke, shares his homily for the Fourth Sunday of Lent.


Homily for Third Sunday of Lent

Sermons from the Microphone

“Who by Fire”: Fr Anthony Trenwith, Administrator of Holy Family Parish in Kerikeri and Te Parihi o te Ngakau Tapu at Waitaruke, shares his homily for the Third Sunday of Lent.


Homily for Second Sunday of Lent

Sermons from the Microphone

“God gets hands-on”: Fr Anthony Trenwith, Administrator of Holy Family Parish in Kerikeri and Te Parihi o te Ngakau Tapu at Waitaruke, shares his homily for the Second Sunday of Lent.


Homily for First Sunday of Lent

Sermons from the Microphone

“Not just giving something up”: Fr Anthony Trenwith, Administrator of Holy Family Parish in Kerikeri and Te Parihi o te Ngakau Tapu at Waitaruke, shares his homily for the First Sunday of Lent.


Homily for Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sermons from the Microphone

“Log from Blammo”: Fr Anthony Trenwith, Administrator of Holy Family Parish in Kerikeri and Te Parihi o te Ngakau Tapu at Waitaruke, shares his homily for the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time.


Homily for Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sermons from the Microphone

“Loving Enemies? Yeah, nah”: Fr Anthony Trenwith, Administrator of Holy Family Parish in Kerikeri and Te Parihi o te Ngakau Tapu at Waitaruke, shares his homily for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time.


Homily for Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sermons from the Microphone

“Blessed are the Cheesemakers”: Fr Anthony Trenwith, Administrator of Holy Family Parish in Kerikeri and Te Parihi o te Ngakau Tapu at Waitaruke, shares his homily for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time.


Homily for Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Waitangi Day)

Sermons from the Microphone

“Better Than Australia Day”: Fr Anthony Trenwith, Administrator of Holy Family Parish in Kerikeri and Te Parihi o te Ngakau Tapu at Waitaruke, shares his homily for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time — which falls on Waitangi Day.