Homily for the Feast of the Holy Family

Sermons from the Microphone

“Christmas Lights”: Fr Anthony Trenwith, Administrator of Holy Family Parish in Kerikeri and Te Parihi o te Ngakau Tapu at Waitaruke, shares his homily for the Feast of the Holy Family.


Homily for Fourth Sunday of Advent

Sermons from the Microphone

“Have Haste”: Fr Anthony Trenwith, Administrator of Holy Family Parish in Kerikeri and Te Parihi o te Ngakau Tapu at Waitaruke, shares his homily for the Fourth Sunday of Advent.


Station XV: Episode 169 — COVID, Communion, Canada, Christmas

The 15th Station podcast

It’s a globe-trotting Christmas edition of The 15th Station, as the panel starts in New Zealand, assessing the country’s liturgical restrictions under COVID-19, before heading to the United States and the long-awaited and much-discussed document on the Eucharist. In Switzerland, the Church has initiated research into the abuse crisis from the 1950s onwards, while in Canada the bishops have spoken out strongly against moves to legalise prostitution — citing the New Zealand experience in their letter. Just a warning that the discussion on the prostitution push is quite “adult”, so might not be great for kids. Our final story on Santa Claus (and if he’s real) might also be difficult for children, but for different reasons. We wish you all a happy and holy Christmas season.


Homily for Third Sunday of Advent

Sermons from the Microphone

“Rejoice? Yeah, nah.”: Fr Anthony Trenwith, Administrator of Holy Family Parish in Kerikeri and Te Parihi o te Ngakau Tapu at Waitaruke, shares his homily for the Third Sunday of Advent.


Homily for Second Sunday of Advent

Sermons from the Microphone

“The Way”: Fr Anthony Trenwith, Administrator of Holy Family Parish in Kerikeri and Te Parihi o te Ngakau Tapu at Waitaruke, shares his homily for the Second Sunday of Advent.


Homily for First Sunday of Advent 2021

Sermons from the Microphone

“Jesus is Coming — Look Busy”: Fr Anthony Trenwith, Administrator of Holy Family Parish in Kerikeri and Te Parihi o te Ngakau Tapu at Waitaruke, shares his homily for the First Sunday of Advent.


Homily for the Feast of Christ the King

Sermons from the Microphone

“No King but Christ”: Fr Anthony Trenwith, Administrator of Holy Family Parish in Kerikeri and Te Parihi o te Ngakau Tapu at Waitaruke, shares his homily for the Feast of Christ the King.


Homily for the Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sermons from the Microphone

“The End is (Always) Nigh”: Fr Anthony Trenwith, Administrator of Holy Family Parish in Kerikeri and Te Parihi o te Ngakau Tapu at Waitaruke, shares his homily for the Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time.


Homily for the Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sermons from the Microphone

“What It Costs”: Fr Anthony Trenwith, Administrator of Holy Family Parish in Kerikeri and Te Parihi o te Ngakau Tapu at Waitaruke, shares his homily for the Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time.


Homily for the Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sermons from the Microphone

“Listening to the Man”: Fr Anthony Trenwith, Administrator of Holy Family Parish in Kerikeri and Te Parihi o te Ngakau Tapu at Waitaruke, shares his homily for the Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time.