The View from Down Here: February 21, 2012

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In the newest show in the Station 15 stable, Brendan and Tim Malone, from Christchurch, NZ, speak with fellow New Zealander Gavin Abraham, now based in Australia, on some of the big stories in the United States that straddle the divide of Catholicism and politics. In this inaugural episode of The View from Down Here, the guys talk about the controversial Health and Human Services mandate on providing contraception and sterilisation free to women, as well as a first look at the Republican primary contest, as the GOP looks for the person to take on President Barack Obama in November’s election.

We’d love to get your thoughts on the show; please add your comments below.

PS Apologies for the slightly dodgy sound quality; we’ve got some new equipment that will improve the quality for future episodes.


Station XV: Episode 53 — New legislation, new brothel (?) new partnership

The 15th Station podcast

The panel this month analyses the contentious provisions in President Obama’s health care legislation requiring Catholic hospitals and institutions to provide health insurance covering contraception and sterilisation procedures*, efforts by Auckland businessmen to open a 15-storey brothel in the central city and the Pope’s concerning admission that Christianity risks oblivion. But, in the good news of the month, Station 15/Icon Media has become an affiliate of the international Catholic podcasting network, SQPN. We’re really excited to be part of the SQPN stable, an extension of the great relationship we’ve had with Father Roderick Vonhogen over the past three years or so.

* This episode was recorded before President Obama’s announcement of changes to the health care legislation in response to the bishops Church’s concerns