Station XV: It’s our birthday!!

The 15th Station podcast

As we mark the Feast of the Assumption, the patronal feast of New Zealand, The 15th Station celebrates our fifth birthday with a typically full show. Dunedin Bishop Colin Campbell’s strong letter denouncing the proposed opening of an abortion clinic leads the show, but other heavy issues like the Egyptian election, same-sex legislation in New Zealand and the mass shootings at a Sikh temple and a Colorado movie theatre. A big thank you to all our listeners over the past five years, during which time tens of thousands of shows have been downloaded. The show will go on 🙂


The View from Down Here: August 1, 2012

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Since when did buying a chicken sandwich become a cultural issue? When supporters of same-sex marriage decided it was time to boycott Chick Fil-A stores because the president of the company said he supports traditional marriage between one man and one woman. Brendan and Gavin talk about the controversy, and similar controversy erupting in New Zealand. Meanwhile, back in the US, Mitt Romney had a gaffe-filled international tour, questions about President Obama’s religion and a pro-life activist getting a visit from the FBI.


Station XV: Episode 57 — Of budgets and butlers

The 15th Station podcast

The big international stories of the month fell on either sides of Atlantic, with Catholic organisations in the US sue the Obama administration over aspects of its health care reforms while, across in Rome, the Vatican was dealing with a series of documents allegedly leaked by the papal butler. In the Antipodes, Budgets and the ongoing debate about same-sex marriage grabbed headlines. But fear not, we’ve also got our trademark light story for the month.


Station XV: Episode 56 — Contraception, contradiction, conjugal relations and confusion

The 15th Station podcast

What is the New Zealand Government thinking in offering free long-term contraception to women on welfare? What is President Obama thinking in announcing he supports gay marriage in the middle of an election campaign? When will the euthanasia lobby stop pushing its barrow? And can something that has been blessed be un-blessed? Those stories and more on a full show this month on The 15th Station.


The View from Down Here: May 15, 2012

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One story — and one story only — seems to have dominated the US political and cultural scene over the past week, and that’s President Barack Obama’s announcement that his position on same-sex marriage has now evolved and he supports it. He said it was his Christian faith and adherence to the Golden Rule that guided his decision to move from a stated opposition to gay marriage to supporting it. Brendan, Tim and Gavin dedicate most of this week’s show to the topic. Here’s a link to the article Brendan mentions in the show: “What is Marriage?”


The View from Down Here: April 24, 2012

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Religion and politics collide on a fairly grand scale in this week’s episode of The View from Down Here. Brendan and Gavin chat about the Illinois bishop who has strongly criticised President Obama — only to see a secular group try to have the diocese’s tax-exempt status revoked. The homily in question can be read or viewed here, so you can make up your own mind on whether Bishop Jenky crossed the line. We also talk about a same-sex marriage referendum in Washington state, voter ID laws and the Vatican’s criticism of some wmen religious. We hope you enjoy the show.