Station XV: Episode 69 — Catholics, Atheists and Nudists

The 15th Station podcast

Can atheists get to heaven? Can a group of Catholics call their Catholic group “Catholic”? Can Pope Francis continue his charmed run with the media when he makes his first overseas trip next month? Can Catholics still be members of the Boy Scouts of America? And can someone without any pants parody the Pope? A series of fascinating questions — and some interesting answers — on this month’s episode with James, Helen, Don and Gavin. And if you’re looking for John Allen’s preview (mentioned in the show) of the challenge facing Pope Francis ahead of World Youth Day, you can find it here.


The View from Down Here: Election recap

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Brendan and Gavin perform a verbal autopsy on last week’s presidential election, looking at the impact of Hurricane Sandy, the campaigns each candidate ran, the changing demographics of the electorate, the economy, the role of the media and so much more. Where does the conservative movement and the Republican Party go from here? Was this a disaster for the party? Was this a ringing endorsement of President Obama and the progressive agenda? With the election now in the rear-view mirror, we’re also having a think about the future of The View from Down Here and we’d love to hear from you about what you’d like. We’re leaning towards a monthly show with an ongoing focus on US culture, religion and politics from a Kiwi perspective. Email us on podcast at station15 dot co dot nz and let us know if that sounds good, or if you have other thoughts.


The View from Down Here: October 25, 2012

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With under two weeks to go until the presidential election, that naturally dominates this week’s show, covering the story from many angles — the final debate, the polls, the campaigning, the reaction in swing states and the Al Smith Dinner, to name but a few. But Brendan and Gavin also find time to talk about a couple of other important stories, including an analysis of the “War on Religion” in the US and the canonisation of the first Native American saint (see awesome photo) and another woman whose ministry to lepers in Hawaii laid the path for her canonisation. Enjoy the show, and check back next week for another View from Down Here.


The View from Down Here: March 27, 2012

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With Tim “on assignment”, Brendan and Gavin chat about some of the big stories of the week, including trouble brewing for President Obama’s health care reforms, the latest primary results and what they mean, and two controversies — a priest denying Communion to a lesbian and a university in New York that will hold classes on Good Friday and Yom Kippur. That, and much more. And, after the show, head to www.badlipreading.com for a political giggle.


Station XV – Episode 16 – Priests and politics

The 15th Station podcast

We promise – this is the last one where we’ll be talking about this election. But with both the N.Z. and U.S. elections complete, we’ll talk about Obama and Key, but also about the plight of Christian parties and MMP, the persecution of Christians around the world, the flurry of ordinations in New Zealand in the next couple of months, and we end with a great rendition of “Panis Angelicus” from the new album by The Priests (www.thepriests.com).


Station XV – Episode 15 – Well, what did you expect?

The 15th Station podcast

It would be very difficult to have an episode a few weeks out from a general election here in NZ (and one in the States too) and not talk about politics, now wouldn’t it? So, in this episode, we talk about the NZ election, the American election, welfare and the election, the synod of Bishops and the Bible, and an IronicCatholic story about complaining parishoners becoming diocesan hermits?!? Something for everyone.
– Bishop’s statement (http://www.catholic.org.nz/statements/0808_elections.php)
– Value Your Vote (http://www.valueyourvote.org.nz/)


Familia – Episode 2 – Election Special

The Familia Podcast

With just over 5 weeks to go until the NZ General Election and the US Presidential Election, we thought that it would be a good idea to have a special election edition of the Familia Podcast. In this edition we speak to Father Peter Fitzsimons about politics, morality and voting, and we offer some practical tips to consider when thinking about casting your vote.


It’s a bit sickle-ing

The 15th Station podcast

You’d think there’s only one story to talk about this month – Fr.Peter Murnane and friends bursting the balloon over the Waihopai spy base. But while we do give some airtime to that, we also talk about the Pope’s visit to the U.S.A., priests from other cultures, American politicians and receiving Communion, and a fantastic, uplifting, pro-life story.